Blog 3: My favourite Film / TV Series / Documentary / Anime

Hi! I this blog I’d like to talk about my favorite series… but really, I have a lot that I like it and I can’t choose one, it’s so hard. But well, this time I’d like to talk about the anime No Game No Life, that is in the top of my favorite’s series.

This anime talks about Sora and Shiro, brother and sister, that love and live for the videogames, such was the case that abandoned the studies for dedicates of videogames, and they are globally recognizes. One day anyone contact with they for email and challenge to play a chess match. This person is the God of games, Tet, and after of a hardest match he lost against the brothers, and for this them invite to his world, the games world, where all confrontations and problems at resolve by games. Then they go with the thinking of dominated this world, a world where them think that they were should be born.

The light novel of No Game No Life was written Yuu Kamiya and the director of the anime is Atsuko Ishizuka and the studio is Madhuse. The anime has 1 season and 1 movie (No Game No Life: Zero), and is difficult that perform a second season, because the first season was release in 2014 and the movie in 2017, and I lost the expectation, but well, I going to have live with that and this don’t say that the anime is bad.

My favorite scene of this anime is the final of the battle of the episode 7, where Sora and Shiro fight with one of the races of the game’s world in a game of knowledge.


  1. oooh I don´t know this series because I don´t know much about anime but it sound very interesting.

  2. WAAAH I LOVE NO GAME NO LIFE, this anime is incredible, I really need a second season, but all of us know that will never happen :C


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