Blog 6: Time travel to the future
Sincerely the first time that I thought about the time travel to the future, was after sawing the movie Back to the Future around of my 7 years old, before this, I don’t knew about this theme. Not long ago, I saw one series that talk about the time travel and butterfly effect, this is Dark and is one of my favorite series, however, today I like more the parallel worlds that the time travel to the future. But if I have talk of the last, I say that I like to travel a lot of years at the future, like 500 years or something like that, for I know like is the earth, how much change, if is manage conquer other planets, or if the earth doesn’t exist in this time. I stay in the future depend on how it is, because if the earth doesn’t exist or have seriously problems, like is a crisis of habitability, I don’t stay in there, however the earth have a nice future, like is have a good quality of life and have interesting things like the flaying cars or teleports, I considered stay in that future...