Sincerely my better vacation was in 2018 in Panguipulli, and more specifically in its adjoining places, like Choshuenco, Malalhue, Coñaripe, Chauquen, etc. But the more of time we spend in a lake and river called Puñir. 

We vacation were 2 weeks, and went my oldest sister and her sons, that are 3 kids, and went one nephew more besides my parents and me. The first of the 2 weeks were totally for camping in the lake Puñir, and the rest of days we went at go all over of possible places.

The second week we went, besides of the places mentioned, at Huilo-Huilo for one day complete, where we went all over the 3 paths that this place has. Really this day were incredible despite the exhausting that we had, because the places that are nature I love it, and this place is totally that, pure nature.

Besides of the Huilo-Huilo, these vacations were the best because we explore different places that never we were visit. Go all over types of places, some more rustic other more moderns and other totally out of the many villages, like lakes, rivers, and nature in general.


  1. that holidays sounds amazing, I really love camping and nature

  2. I love the nature!!!! I hope one day visit Panguipulli

  3. I've gone camping too and it's the best feeling in the world to sleep next to so much nature, but you miss the shower on those days haha.


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